Thursday, April 10, 2014

Last Supper

This week's weather: upper 60s, intermittent rain, Fall is coming.
This week's read: Leviticus.

Today was my last day in Cordoba. I can't believe I've been here over a month already! It feels like I've just arrived... Or that I've been here for forever.

A taste of what it's like sleeping on bunk beds, sharing a room with 3 dudes. Fortunately for you, I don't have a way to share the unique odor that welcomes you. 
And after reading Leviticus:
"Everything the [unclean] man sits on when riding will be unclean, and whoever touches any of the things that were under him will be unclean till evening; whoever picks up those things must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening."

Makes me wonder what I've sat on in chairs in restaurants, pews in church, benches in the park.
I had the sudden urge to get my clothes professionally cleaned. I have been washing them in the sink with traveler's laundry detergent as needed (it works; don't judge). And washing them in the bidet like one mystery hostel guest didn't seem like a better option. I ventured out looking for a same-day laundromat.

Fitting enough, much of the city including some restaurants and businesses were shut down today due to the train/bus strike. (Am I in France or what?) Add in a little rain in the late morning and it made for a quiet day in the streets.

On a quest for my laundromat, I walked around Cordoba seeing some of the same buildings I've walked past many times in the last month and but also walking down a few streets I had never strolled down since I arrived.

Pretty sweet high school, if you ask me.

Which reminds me, over the last month I've walked, biked, or ran over 65 miles.

These shoes are made for walking.
 And after a month in Argentina, what have I learned? Well, I've learned that I still have a lot to learn-- about the Spanish language, about traveling, about life. Well, that and don't feed a stray dog or they will follow you all the way home. So let the experience continue!

Tomorrow I take a bus (assuming the strike is over, that is) to Mendoza for a few days before heading 2 hours south of Mendoza to start my work on the farm in San Rafael on April 16th.
Argentina Map

Au revoir, Cordoba! (Oops, wrong language!)

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