Friday, February 28, 2014

Last Days

Today's location: New London, Wisconsin (a.k.a. New Dublin in March)
Today's weather: Sunny, high of 0 degrees (No, that is not a typo.)

Spending some time in my hometown as part of my tour of home before the big trip. The past week has been all about "lasts" in preparation for leaving on March 5th. Some lasts include but not limited to: last time driving Cosmo, my car, last time at my church in San Diego, last time eating brunch at Snooze, and using up my last yoga groupon.

One highlight of preparing for this whole experience was packing up everything I own. I say "highlight" because this was actually a good opportunity to weed out a lot of crap that I have been accumulating. Why do I have so much stuff? But seriously, it's just "stuff" and I have so much of it. Don't get me wrong, as far as stuff goes, mine is nice stuff but again, it's just stuff. And if the zombie apocalypse strikes tonight, my extensive wardrobe is only going to slow me down. Maybe life in South America will prove to be much simpler and I will find contentment in the little things and learn to crave less "stuff." Doubtful.

Anything I haven't worn or used in the last year had to go. I donated of 10+ bags of "stuff." Then, I packed everything I'm going to need for the next year in a backpack (more to come on its contents). Finally, I put everything that was left in storage. It was a humbling experience to pack pretty much all of my worldly possessions (except for my car) in a 5 X 10 ft storage unit. On one hand, maybe I'm not quite as materialistic as I think. On the other hand, 26 years of life and this is all I have to show for it?!

The purge was good. And then I rested.


People have been asking if I'm getting excited/nervous. Honestly, it doesn't seem like anything is happening. All of these changes, like packing, have gradually unfolded so I've been able to transition to the idea slowly. However, my last day of work proved to be more emotional than I thought. I wasn't sad (because I know this experience is just what the doctor ordered) but rather, I was overwhelmed by the people and things that affect my life in positive way. Already this experience is putting life in perspective.

My last night in San Diego was marked by an epic 'Merica send off in Encinitas where I finally took the price tag off a pair of American flag leggings that had been collecting dust in my dresser. (If I held on to these leggings, can you imagine the random stuff I donated?) When asked what I'll miss most about the US, I replied, "Mexican food." Huh. The usual shenanigans ensued, I drank a "dirty American," talked to the dj, etc.

Stay classy, San Diego!
Some friends and co-workers think I'm never coming back from South America. They think I'll find my Juan Pablo down there, run off into the Amazon, never to return. But knowing myself, or at least I think I do, I fully expect that after a year of living out of a suitcase, doing odd jobs, always meeting new people but never knowing them, I'll welcome the opportunity to just go home, unpack, and find regularity in life again. But who knows.

 For now, I'll brave the bitter Wisconsin cold as I say "see you later" to a few more people.

Countdown to lift off: 5 days.

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